GreenM3 Browser Market Share vs. Industry

Netmarketshare has a report on the market share of browsers.



Periodically I check what the browser share is for based on google analytics.


The number of IE and Firefox users are almost equal at 39% each.

Chrome and Safari usage is almost twice the % on greenm3 vs. the overall market.

Bottom line: tech savvy forward thinking audience are using Firefox, Chrome, and Safari more than the rest of the industry.  My assumption is at least 95% of the readers know how to pick their own browser.

Is the above an indication of what could happen to IE’s overall market share if the total installed base knew how to switch browsers and was tech savvy like GreenM3 readers.

How will the browser usage shift as IE6 support is dropped?

Browser wars: Google and Government turn on Internet Explorer

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser has come under further attack, as both Google and the Department of Health announced that they would be phasing out use of IE6.

By Matt Warman, Consumer Technology Editor
Published: 9:58AM GMT 01 Feb 2010

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Internet Explorer security alert: how to protect your computer

Microsoft has released a software update for Internet Explorer that will patch security flaws -- but should you switch to a different browser?

The ageing version of Microsoft’s browser is still used by some 300,000 health workers, but the Department of Health is now advising that hospitals and other users upgrade to at least version seven of the software as soon as possible. Security flaws are the main reason that has been cited, but poor performance is also a problem for users of IE6.

Google, which is currently marketing its own browser Chrome, has said that it will begin to phase out support for IE6 from March 1. From that point Google Docs, the online word processor, and Google Sites, the website building tool, will cease to offer the bulk of their functionality in IE6. Both currently invite users to upgrade to a more modern browser, as does Google’s YouTube video site. The company has said that it will phase out all support, including for Gmail, from IE6 by the end of the year.