AOL's Uptime Symposium presentation without Mike Manos

Mike Manos posts on his AOL team attending Uptime.

Uptime, Cowgirls, and Success in California

This week my teams have descended upon the Uptime Institute Symposium in Santa Clara.  The moment is extremely bittersweet for me as this is the first Symposium in quite sometime I have been unable to attend.  With my responsibilities expanding at AOL beginning this week there was simply too much going on for me to make the trip out.  It’s a down right shame too.  Why?

My first Uptime Symposium I got to tag along with Mike and learned the ropes.  This was back when Uptime was in Orlando, and there were definitely some memories that we all laugh about as the night went late into karaoke.

Mike is bringing key members of his AOL team to Uptime and reaches out to get to know his staff.

If you happen to be attending Symposium this year feel free to stop by and say hello to these amazing individuals.   I am incredibly proud of the work that they have driven within the company.

As many of my loyal readers have pointed out my controversial post on why I am not attending Uptime Symposium stirred things up  a bit.  Now, you could say look at the AOL people I miss meeting with learning the work they have done.  The easiest way to address this is to reach out to Mike and meet all of his team at a pub.  I'll see what kind of post comes out from drinking a few beers vs. sitting in a presentation. :-)