Google's Green Email Story: The Story of Send

Google has just released its environmentally sensitive post on the story of gmail.

Follow an email’s journey with Story of Send

5/15/12 | 8:08:00 AM


(cross-posted on the Official Google Blog)

If you’re anything like me, you send and receive a lot of emails every day. But have you ever wondered where your message goes after you hit “send?” How does an email travel from your computer to your friend’s smartphone across the country or around the world?

We’re answering those questions with Story of Send, a new site that gives you a behind-the-scenes look into how all that virtual information makes its journey through the real world—from your Internet service provider to our data centers and beyond. Along the way, you’ll discover everything from where we filter for spam and scan for viruses to how we’re minimizing our impact on the environment through energy efficiency and renewable power.

A video is here.

With the home page for the story here  One of the things I am curious is how viral this video will be.  It currently has 301 views.

Here are some of the environmental messages in the story.





Here are some pictures of the green servers.

