A good memory helps you imagine the future

The WSJ has an interesting article on the new power of memory.

Memory allows for a kind of mental time travel, a way for us to picture not just the past but also a version of the future, according to a growing body of research.

The studies suggest that the purpose of memory is far more extensive than simply helping us store and recall information about what has already happened.

Researchers from University College London and Harvard University have made strides charting how memory helps us draw a mental sketch of someone's personality and imagine how that person might behave in a future social situation. They detailed their latest findings in work published in the journal Cerebral Cortex last week.

I find this article interesting because it describes a great strategy on how to network.  Meeting people imagining how they fit in your future is built on a good memory of who they are and what they do.

Researchers from University College London and Harvard University have made strides charting how memory helps us draw a mental sketch of someone's personality and imagine how that person might behave in a future social situation. They detailed their latest findings in work published in the journal Cerebral Cortex last week.

How many of you think you have  data center systems that provide a good memory of past performance?  If you don't have a good memory of the past how can you imagine the future?