Google Expands to 5 Data Center Locations in Europe, 5 is a magic number

Google posted on data center expansion on Tues Sept 23.  It is late Weds Sept 24 so the announcement is old news.  There are two paragraphs that are interesting.

There will be 5 Google data centers operating in Europe.  5 is a minimum to have extremely high availability.  Some my think 2 or 3 is the right number.  When you think through operations 5 is a much better number than three.  The Five are Dublin, Hamina, St Ghislain, Eemshaven (rented) and Eemshaven (owned).

This will be Google’s fourth hyper efficient facility in Europe. Importantly, demand for Internet services remains so strong that the new building does not mean a reduction in expansion elsewhere. Our expansion will continue in Dublin in Ireland, in Hamina in Finland, and in St. Ghislain in Belgium. Our existing rented datacenter facility in Eemshaven also will continue to operate.

Google makes the statement there is expansion in all the owned facilities - Dublin, Hamina, and St. Ghislain.

The other paragraph says that Google has new data centers designs it is building.

The new Dutch data centre will benefit from the latest designs in cooling and electrical technology. It will be free-cooled - taking advantage of natural assets like cool air and grey water to keep our servers cool. Our data centers use 50% less energy than a typical datacenter - and our intention is to run this new facility on renewable energy.

Intent is to run the facility on renewable energy.  Yippeee!!!  Go Green Data Centers

Any more details?  Nope.  Google is growing fast.  Is it growing faster than the rest?  I would say yes.