Another Intel Developer Forum, 2nd day keynote "Data Centers"

I have been lucky to attend Intel Developer Forum as a blogger and this year I return.


The 2nd day Keynote is on data centers.  It has been interesting to watch how data centers have become more prominent in Intel’s presentations.  I think you can track it to the growth of Google and its purchasing power of server processors.

Diane Bryant


Mega Session: The Data Center Opportunity

Wednesday, September 10
9:30 a.m.  – 10:30 a.m.
Keynote/Mega Session Hall, Level 3

Please join Diane Bryant, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Intel’s Data Center Group, as she discusses the global shift to digital services and how this creates the need for a re-architecture of data center solutions. Developers will be key in delivering these solutions which will require new workload-optimized approaches to platform design, cloud-enabled applications driven by advanced analytics, and automated, efficient software-defined infrastructure. Learn more about Intel’s future technologies as well as tools and support communities to help developers capitalize on the opportunities in the data center.