Gartner says Private Clouds are a last resort, how about learn from public clouds then build your own

One of the guys I always enjoy a chat with is Jones Lang LaSalle's Michael Siteman.  I just got off the the phone to discuss public vs. private cloud ideas.  Then I read this post on Gartner's recommendation that Private Clouds are a last resort.

Gartner: Private clouds are a last resort

Thorough analysis required to identify cloud computing benefits

By Neal Weinberg, Network World 
October 19, 2011 10:00 AM ET

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Enterprises should consider public cloud services first and turn to private clouds only if the public cloud fails to meet their needs.

That was the advice delivered by analyst Daryl Plummer during Gartner's IT Symposium Tuesday. Plummer says that there are many potential benefits to deploying cloud services, including agility, reduced cost, reduced complexity, increased focus, increased innovation and being able to leverage the knowledge and skills of people outside the company.

Rob Enderle writes in disagreement with this recommendation.

At the same time, this week, Gartner took a position that was the polar opposite of the CIOs at these two events and argued that the private cloud was the last resort. This is just wrong. I’m guessing the company missed a meeting because this sentiment is shared by neither the CIOs nor vendors presenting at these events. The attendees are arguing that the private cloud may be their most important tool. What is also interesting is that were Gartner right, it would be a going-out-of-business scenario for them because public cloud services are being presented much like outsourcing and they do represent a very real threat to IT and it is IT that generally funds Gartner’s services.

The observation that Michael and I discussed is enterprises are studying the public clouds to learn how to build and operate cloud environments.  Companies can then make a knowledgeable decision on whether they should buy cloud services or make their own, private cloud.

Just because you see enterprises playing in the public could doesn't mean they are going to deploy there.

And, part of the learning is what are top causes of cloud outages.  Check out these top 10.