Dell C6145 Server, high performance with less watts

Dell’s John Stuewe discusses the C6145 Server where he makes the point the goal is to get most of amount of cores and memory in a server rack unit.

After processors, RAM is the next power user, and Samsung low voltage DIMM’s (Green DDR) is used, but with 1TB of RAM capacity you can get the RAM to use more power than CPU.


Barton George has more on his blog about the C6145.

Dell DCS unveils its 4th HPC offering in 12 months, and its a beefy one

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Today Dell Data Center Solutions (DCS) is announcing the PowerEdge C6145, number four in our line of offerings targeted specifically at High Performance Computing.  This AMD-based system, which contains two four-socket servers for a total of 96 cores, ranked as the highest performing x86 2U shared infrastructure server on the market based on SPECfp_rate2006 results. In addition, the PowerEdge C6145 can deliver up to a 534% better price performance at 1/5 the cost and 1/4 of the rack space when compared to HP’s ProLiant DL980 G71.

DataCenterKnowledge has information on the energy use.

High Computing Power, Low Power Usage

Perhaps most importantly, Dell says the PowerEdge C6145 offers major advances in energy efficiency for customers seeking to manage high-density thermal footprints. Its power draw ranges from 845 watts to 1,900 watts per chassis, based on the configuration. Acosta said this allows the C6145 to compare favorably with competitor offerings that require up to 8u of rack space.

“If you add more cores, you have to balance how much energy you use,” said Acosta, who said advances in low-power processors are providing major benefits for customers. “We love the competition between Intel and AMD, and the way they’re pushing one another on core counts and frequencies.”