A greener data center should be built on truths, lying is not healthy

I don't know about you, but I am so tired of the over exaggeration of green data centers that I don't pay attention to most statements that data centers are green any more.  People think they are green simply because they are LEED certified, yet they provide so transparency on what they did to be certified. and whether the main reason they got certified was for marketing purposes.  There are quite a few people who have expressed how little the return is for saying their data center is LEED certified.

Low PUEs are an exaggeration as well.  When you know who the people are behind the statements, one of the questions I ask myself is this type of person who regularly tells lies or the truths?

NBC has post on an experiment done to see what happens if people tell the the truth for 10 weeks vs. a control group that does their regular life of lying.

We tell one lie, sometimes two, every day, sharing an average of 11 untruths per week. We tell lies to avoid hurt feelings, or we embellish to make a story more interesting. 

But whether it’s a white or boldface lie, all these fibs harm our health. Researchers discovered that people who lie less experience better physical and mental health than those who commonly bluff.

Just because people are visible speaking at conferences doesn't mean they are lying less.  In fact, the speakers could be lying more than the rest.

“The irony is that now that we have more outlets for disclosure [such as Facebook], it forces us to lie more because now people ask really bold questions,” she says.

Keep in mind that telling the truth doesn't have to be as bad as Jim Carrey's movie Liar Liar.

Telling the truth can be more like this.

Kelly stresses that not lying doesn’t mean sharing harsh truths -- it means telling kind truths or not revealing some information. A kind truth might sound like “I loved how that other dress looked on you,” instead of “you look terrible in this dress.” Participants in the no lie group also avoided exaggerations by changing the subject or not answering questions, politely, of course.

Telling the truth is also better for the soul and your health.

“Good relationships have long been connected to good health,” says Kelly. “The bottom line is this is really about the relationships … being caught in these lies is anxiety [producing] because we don’t want to ruin the relationships.”