A strategy to have meaningful data center socials, listening to the infuentials

I have known a few people who thought it was a good idea to start a conference.  They thought it was a great way to make money from attendees, exhibitors, and sponsor.  Many of these people were people who didn't have technical expertise in the area of the topic, but worked on many conferences and saw the money flow through.  

Sometimes I think these are the type of people who are running many of the data center conferences.  They are playing around with the sponsorship packages, how much it will cost to exhibit, and how much they will charge attendees.

A different strategy is focus on the dynamics of the groups who attend.  Back in Aug 2010 I wrote about Steve Manos's data center social events in Chicago.


First reaction to Lee Tech on Tap in Chicago,

The energy was high at Lee Tech on Tap in Chicago and I can see why people keep on attending.  Given how much I have written about the event many people were surprised this was my first one to attend and I am glad my first was where it started.

There are some great people I met there and discussed ideas that wouldn't have happened if  I wasn't at the event.  Usually when you go to an event you feel good if you make a couple of good contacts.  In one night, I made at least 7 good connections that I will follow up on.

The benefit of an event is finding people of the same mindset and people who are different who stimulate new thinking.


Attending Lee Tech on Tap in Chicago - Aug 5, 2010

Thanks to the folks at Lee Technologies I was extended an invite to attend the Lee Tech on Tap event in Chicago on Aug 5, 2010.  I've written about the event so much, it will be good to see the people and event in person.

I would live blog the event, but I think I'll be too busy talking to people.  I don't expect any press releases surrounding the event so there is no need to hurry and post.


Some of the decline of revenue, sponsors, and attendees for some of the data center conferences is caused by event folks focusing on the numbers and not looking at the dynamics of the groups. 

A key set of people to listen to are the influentials.  The people that almost everyone knows or want to know, and listen to whether they find the event useful.  If not, you need to figure out what will get them to attend.

When is the last data center conference you said I am so glad I went.  That hosted reception in the exhibit area was worth the trip.  Not.

Whereas most of those who attend data center socials, see the benefit and will attend again.