Updating blogging tools with iOS 11

Last month I wrote about iOS 11 being a desktop OS http://www.greenm3.com/gdcblog/2017/9/20/ios-11-the-mobile-os-that-can-replace-desktop-for-more-people?rq=iOS%2011 

A test for me was could I use my iPad Pro for blogging at 7x24 Exchange this last week. It worked. 

So what did I used to do? I used to use a Canon SLR 6D or 7D. Transfer images to my laptop with an SD Card. Import the images, then crop and paste.  Well I used to paste when I used MarsEdit, but when Squarespace updated to version 6, MarsEdit no longer worked and you needed to use the online authoring tools in HTML or iOS tools. I was comfortable with my Mac and MarsEdit. Before that I used Windows and Windows Live Writer. Working on dedicated editor has a better feeling for writing.

What did I try this last week? iOS 11 on iPad Pro and iPhone 7 Plus using Squarespace blog tool. I could have Squarespace blog up and Apple Notes for taking notes side by side. Take pictures with my iPhone, syncing to Photos in iCloud with wifi connection and within seconds the photos would be on my iPad. As much as it may seem like it takes a while so much faster than using an SLR. Using the iPad as a camera is just too awkward. For the slides I could go to the 7x24 Exchange app and screen grab the presentation, then crop it to get just part I wanted. And here is the main part I could save the cropped image to file. I needed images to be saved to a file on iOS to make it easy to upload the image in Squarespace blog.

It all worked well enough to use my iPhone and iPad. Next is the iPhone X. My iPad Pro is working well and maybe the 2018 version is what I upgrade to next.