Stress Testing RadWagon Electric Bike, 100 lbs Costco Run

I’ve been on a family vacation and haven’t written lately. Coming back home I needed to do a Costco run. Today I decided to use my RadWagon Electric Bike. At first I was going to just get a few things, but then I saw the white basket I could put on the bike rack and try to take a few more things. Being spatially aware I shopped at costco for things we normally get.

What I wasn’t expecting was how many Costco Employees came and talked to me while I was loading the bike. One of the workers took lots of pictures and wanted my name to share that the bike rack is being used. If you go to Costco I bet you don’t see bike racks. The Redmond Costco has bike racks given the City of Redmond required them and even helped specify the ones to use. I don’t think I have ever seen a bike there until I was there.

Below is a picture of the bike back home in the garage. It was a 6 mile ride to Costco. Takes about 20 minutes.


Here is the stuff I bought.

2 cases of Lacroix Water

3 1/2 gallons of milk

A case of choc milk

3 bottles of value red wine (Collossal Red). $7.99 An old Microsoft friend is the Wine Guy. He is good friends with the Wine Host in the Issaquah store. Costco has figured out a good wine host can double sales

A case Chobani Yoghurt

Wasabi Poke


Chocolate Mangoes

Bag of Pistachios

Bag of Avocados

Bag of baby cucumbers

1 lb of Sockeye Salmon

2 loaves of bread

2 dozen eggs

I need to work on a better way to mount the basket I put on the last minute if I want to do this on a regular basis. My wife and her friends get a good laugh at my Costco run using the electric bike.