Attending Data Center Dynamics San Francisco, July 17, 2009

I’ll be down at Data Center Dynamics SF on July 17, 2009.


The benefits of attending are listed:

  • Network with other senior data center professionals

  • Multi-track programme that allows you to choose from 26 presentations

  • Post-event* access to the largest database of presentations

  • Post-event* access to market research key findings from all events

  • Special access* to filmed seminars on DCDtv
    *12 Months access to 'Delegate Resources' area (see top nav)

  • And, I fall into this first bucket of networking.  Unfortunately or fortunately, I learn much more networking with people then sitting in a presentation. I’ve spent too much time working on my own presentations and others and I don’t have the patience to sit and listen for an hour. Most of the time I am listening to the style of presentation and how they could improve their presentation with better organization, talking points, and graphics.

    If you are attending DCD SF, look forward to meeting some new people and reconnecting familiar faces.