Amazon Web Services has another outage, is there a pattern

Amazon Web Services has another outage.  The news is about the sites that are down.

Update: Amazon Web Services Down In North Virginia — Reddit, Pinterest, Airbnb, Foursquare, Minecraft And Others Affected


posted 10 hours ago
amazon web services

What started as a small issue affecting some instances of Amazon’s Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) in North Virginia became a full-blown outage of AWS in North Virginia. Major services, such as Reddit, Foursquare, Minecraft and Heroku, are down. GitHub, imgur, Pocket, HipChat, Coursera and others are affected. 

CTO of Fast Company tweets on what this outage can look like.

Here’s what an aws outage looks like from within: notice the dip to zero, then how chaotic things are to the right.

Amazon Web Services outages are so common there is a possible pattern.