Change Your LinkedIn Password, 6.5 million leaked, 576 news articles

I've changed my LinkedIn password.  Have you?

There are 576 news articles on the leak.

6.5 million LinkedIn passwords reportedly leaked online

CNET - 6 hours ago
A hacker says he's posted 6.5 million LinkedIn passwords on the Web -- hot on the heels of security researchers' warnings about privacy issues ...
Highly Cited: Millions of LinkedIn passwords reportedly leaked - take action NOW‎ Ars Technica
Blog: 6.5M LinkedIn Passwords Posted Online After Apparent Hack‎ PCWorld (blog)
LinkedIn investigating reports of stolen passwords‎ The Associated Press
All Things Digital Computerworld (blog) 
all 576 news articles »

I received this e-mail through LinkedIn which was suspicious.


xxxxxx has sent you a message.

Date: 6/04/2012

Subject: How are you?


It is good see that you are in a new adventure and I am sure you will do well. Can you say what you are doing? I hope they know they have a quality person like you! All the best to you and your family.