Coming Soon, Home Meal Planning Service - Gathered Table

A New Home Meal Planning Service is coming soon called Gathered Table.  Geekwire covers the soft launch.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz backs Gatheredtable, a new way for families to plan menus for the week

Former Starbucks exec Mary Egan is looking to change the way Americans plan family meals.

Former Starbucks exec Mary Egan is looking to change the way Americans plan family meals.

If you’re like me, family dinner time is usually a mad scramble to find something to eat, typically resulting in a trip to the local Thai restaurant, burger joint or pizza parlor. And I’m not alone. About 60 percent of families don’t know what they’ll put on the dinner table that night.

Former Starbucks executive Mary Egan feels your pain. And she’s here to help with a new startup called Gatheredtable — an online service that automatically generates a menu of weekly meals, tailored for your families’ preferences.

I can think of a lot of people who could use this type of service with these benefits.


I enjoy cooking and cooking faster is not an objective.  By 7a in the morning I have already figured out what I want to cook for dinner and whether the kids will be around for dinner. The only thing really stressful about cooking is when other people are in my kitchen.  As long as people stay out of my kitchen stress is low. :-) I spend so much of the day on the computer and creating software services, the last thing I want to do is spend more time on the computer to figure out a meal and a recipe.  I like cooking because it is time when I am not looking at a smartphone, tablet, or computer.  Just have a beer or glass of wine and my pizza oven.
