Dell Announces Wireless shielded Rack Enclosure

Electromagnetic Radiation is a complex topic that is heavily regulated, but not necessarily in the data center. Users are figuring out though that there are times when you want to protect what runs in the racks from what gets out and what can peak in.

For the past few years I have had fun connecting with old, old, old EMC (Electromagnetic Compliance) friends who I worked with 30 years ago when I was at Apple. These are friend I worked with to ship a wide range of Apple hardware products that needed to pass FCC and other government regulations. These guys were magicians in figuring out how shielding, cabling, and other changes could be made. This is stuff you do not see as it is hidden inside the box.

Dell has a cool rack they just announced for addressing electromagnetic radiation of server mounted gear.

This not easy to do, but I believe the Dell team has heard the customers and created a solution that customers have been asking for.