Another example of where I am so glad I have my Verizon 4G Mifi device, Uptime's event network 0.21 Mbps speed in keynote

I am sitting in the Uptime Institute Symposium, and  wrote a blog entry on Facebook's Data Center Design.  The upload was an excruciating 3 minutes or more.  Curious I went to run twice and look at the download and upload speeds.


Switching to my Verizon 4G mifi modem.


Ahh, now I fill like I can breath.  Crawling at 210 Kbps may be fine for free, but way too painful to blog at an event.

Ready to write about

Designing a Cloud-Friendly Data Center
Peter Panfil
Vice President and General Manager, Liebert AC Power
James Kennedy
Director - Data Center Operations and Construction, RagingWire Enterprise Solution