Google Data Center Tour Videos, one by CBS

Getting a tour of data center is not possible.  Unless you are Steven Levy or CBS's Michelle Miller.

Here is the CBS Video.

Behind the cloud: A tour of Google's secretive data facilities

And here is the Google posted YouTube video for comparison.

Who is the tour guide for these privileged two?  Urs Hoezle.

Miller spoke with Google's senior vice president of technical infrastructure -- and one the company's first employees -- Urs Holzle, who is charged with running all of Google's data centers. He is known within the industry as the infrastructure czar.

Holzle showed Miller Google's networking room, the first place Google requests are routed before heading to the server floor, which houses 55,200 servers. Miller's visit was the only time they'll allow cameras on the server floor, but in an effort to promote transparency, Google will now sharevideos and pictures of all of their data centers on their website.

Note this last sentence.  "Google will now share videos and pictures of all of their data centers on their website."

How much pressure does that put on Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, and the rest of the data center industry?

For those of you going to 7x24 Exchange Phoenix we'll hear more as Google's Joe Kava keynotes on Tues.

Google Data Centers: A Behind the Scenes Look at Infrastructure and Innovations

Google's data center practice helped develop the company's competitive edge for online services and products. Now, nearly seven years after the first data center went into production, there is an ever increasing need to be creative in order to drive efficiency and minimize the impact on the planet. This presentation hopes to uncover some of Google's early day decisions, why they were made and how those decisions led to future innovation. Take a virtual tour with us of our facilities and join the discussion of what challenges we all face in the industry.

Joe Kava
Senior Director
Google Data Centers